
Trainer for mafia 2
Trainer for mafia 2

trainer for mafia 2

Honchkrow made its physical debut in Aiding the Enemy!, where it battled Turtwig. Honchkrow made its main series debut in a flashback in Lost Leader Strategy!, where it was revealed that Paul's Murkrow had evolved into one.

trainer for mafia 2

Honchkrow in the anime Major appearances Paul's Honchkrow It is a scavenger that lives in swamps, forests, human towns and cities, and plains. Honchkrow is more active at night, and normally spends the daytime hours tending to its feathers in solitude. The flocks of summoned Murkrow often plunge the sky into pitch-black darkness, giving Honchkrow the moniker, "Summoner of Night." Honchkrow will never forgive any failure or betrayal of the Murkrow that follow it, and it will hunt and punish any member of its flock that does so.

trainer for mafia 2

Honchkrow also summons Murkrow to fight on its behalf, letting them do most of the fighting before it deals the finishing blow. With a mere cry, it can summon and organize a murder of more than one hundred Murkrow to collect food for it. The tail's base is a white, cylindrical stalk, on which there is a growth of red feathers on the end. Its wings have red feathers on the inside. Honchkrow has a white and prominent crest of feathers on its chest that bears resemblance to a beard or cravat. Its yellow beak is slightly curved, and its head is supported by a broad, short neck. It has circular red eyes with white sclerae and dark blue eyelids. It has a large feather crest resembling a fedora hat that has spikes extending from the back. Honchkrow is a dark-blue avian Pokémon with plumage resembling a person dressed in formal attire, one that most resembles a mob boss.

  • Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

  • Trainer for mafia 2